
15. 樹莓派 Raspberry Pi I2C 23017 x2 & 2803×2 擴充板

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樹莓派 Raspberry Pi – I2C 23017-2 & uln2803-2 32 GPIO Board


1. each 23017 port A output to ULN2803, first one 23017 port B for 8 switch input,

second one 23017 port B for normal output with 8 LED.

with 3.5mm block terminal 9pin output, can plug in our 2803 relay board

with two Step motor connector (5V,D0,D1,D2,D3) (5V,D4,D5,D6,D7)

can use Step motor (28BYJ-48 5VDC) with 4 5V motor output port       

2. U13 U14 I2C 23017×2  32 GPIO       23017 Datasheet

3.  J16  Mini USB 5V input & J25  for GPIO power output with Ployswitch

Fuse protect.

4. S1, S2,S3,S4 4 SMD Switch input

5. S5  4 DIP Switch input

6, U5,U15 ULN2803

7, J21data ,J23 Vcc ,J24 GND  4 x motor output

8. J18  for RS-Pi V2 GPIO connector (got 4 more GPIO pin)

9.  23017-2port-s-v103.py     32GPIO status and “ON” “OFF” control

10. 23017-2port-stepper-s-v100.py  2stepper Motor control

11. 23017-2port-io-s-v103.py    demo

Can plug in our 8bit 2 relay board  in U2 Port A

control Two 5V stepper Motor  (28BYJ-48)     

二、Scratch驅動應用範例 Detail

U1 to U2 i2c 23017  address 21,22


Command “i2″+ “address(20-27)” + “a” +”bit(1 to 8)” for Port A

Command “i2″+ “address(20-27)” + “b” +”bit(1 to 8)” for Port B

Command “bit”+ “address(20-27)” + “a” +”bit(8 to 1)” for Port A

Command “bit”+ “address(20-27)” + “b” +”bit(8 to 1)” for Port B


i221a1 –>  i2c address 21 Port A bit 1 ON/OFF

i222b4 –>  i2c address 22 Port B bit 4 ON/OFF

bit22b01010101 –>  address 22 port B from bit 8 to 1

output  –> 01010101

bit21a01010101 –>  address 21 port A from bit 8 to 1

output  –> 01010101

bit21aoff  –> address 21 Port A all OFF/clear

bit21boff  –> address 21 Port B all OFF/clear

bit22aoff  –> address 22 Port A all OFF/clear

Command “i2″+ “address(1-8)” + “a” +”in” for Port A

Command “i2″+ “address(1-8)” + “b” +”in” for Port B

Address 20 –> 1 21 –> 2 22–>3 23 –>4

Address 24 –> 5 25 –> 6 26–>7 27 –>8

command “i22bin” initial address 21, Port B as input

(1)”i22bin” initial address 21, Port B as input

(2) broadcast  “Update”

(3) in Sensing –> Slider , you will see the ” I2C1B-0 ~ I2C1B-7″   in the list









C code MCP23017


1x Rs-Pi  I2C 23017-2 &2803-2  board

1x User manual