
樹莓派4B觸控螢幕框(SmartiPi Touch Pro, 7吋)

NT$ 1,488 (含稅)


相容樹莓派B+, 2B, 3B, 3A+, 3B+, 4B



NT$ 1,488 (含稅)


NT$ 1,488 (含稅)


NT$ 1,858 (含稅)
NT$ 2,938 (含稅)
1 × 樹莓派攝影鏡頭模組 V2

41 件庫存

NT$ 508 (含稅)


樹莓派4B觸控螢幕框(SmartiPi Touch Pro)

The SmartiPi Touch Pro is a case for the Official Raspberry Pi display and Raspberry Pi 2B, 3B, and 4B. There is also a mounting point below the display for the Official Raspberry Pi camera V2 or V1. Not compatible with the Raspberry Pi HQ camera. The camera hole can be completely hidden with the included adhesive panel. The adhesive panel can also be customized with your logo.This case creates an all in one Raspberry Pi computer with a single USB-C port or Micro USB port in the back to power the components in case. The Raspberry Pi is mounted behind the display and the ports are flush with the edge of the display. An included port blocking part for Pi 3 or 4 allows you to only allow access to the ports that you want exposed. There is also a second set of threaded inserts to mount your own development board or other piece of hardware. Perfect for an industrial or commercial application where you want to add your own development board to the case. The case is made out of injection molded ABS plastic, so it can be drilled or machined for additional customization. Contact us for CAD models of the case to help you in your customization. The Raspberry Pi display, Raspberry Pi, and Raspberry Pi camera are not included. Once assembled, the SD card, HDMI port, and audio jack are not accessible from outside the case. You can plug in a HDMI or audio cable into the Raspberry Pi inside the case and then run the wire outside the case.


    • Included cooling fan with rubber vibration mounts
    • Two positions to mount the Raspberry Pi inside the case
    • Small panel to cover fan hole if not using fan
    • Works with all variants of Raspberry Pi 2B, 3B, or 4B
    • Micro USB splitter for use with Pi 2B and 3B ( Micro USB input)
    • USB-C Splitter for use with Pi 4B ( USB-C input)
    • Metal base plate included
    • Back access panel for wire routing
    • Optional Raspberry Pi camera V2 or V1 mount included. Not compatible with the Raspberry Pi HQ camera.
    • Camera hole can be completely hidden with included adhesive front panel
    • Custom branded front bezel available
    • Included port blocking part for Pi 2B, 3B, or 4B ( cut out plastic knockouts with knife)
    • Two small foot mounts ( included) can be used instead of the large stand
    • Display can pivot down to 37 degrees off of the surface
    • Works with the Official Raspberry Pi Display
    • Second set of threaded m2.5 mounting points can be used to mount your own development board ( HAT compatible mounting points )
    • Wall eyelets for wall mounting
    • 75 mm VESA mount pattern on back
    • Optional port extension part to use when mounting the Pi on the opposite site of the case. (not included but can be purchased)
    • Works with HAT boards
    • White version available in March 2021
    • The Raspberry Pi display, Raspberry Pi, and Raspberry Pi camera are not included
    • The SD card, HDMI port, and audio jack are not accessible once the case is assembled. You can plug in a HDMI or audio cable into the Raspberry Pi inside the case and then run the wire outside the case
    • Two sizes are available
    • Assembly instructions
    • Dimensions of the case
    • SmartiPi Touch Pro accessories
    • Port extenders
      • We also now have port extension kits for when you want to mount the Raspberry Pi on the far edge the case, away from the ports. This will allow you to access the USB ports from inside the case and still have a USB on the outside. Other configurations available.



大, 小



搶先評價 “樹莓派4B觸控螢幕框(SmartiPi Touch Pro, 7吋)”


型號 影像 觸摸 聲音 支援主流設備
解析度 介面 面板 可視角度 類型 介面 面板 内建喇叭 訊號輸出 樹莓派 JETSON NANO 電腦
3.2inch RPi LCD (C) 320×240 高速SPI TFT 電阻 SPI × × × ×
3.5inch RPi LCD (B) 480×320 SPI IPS 160° 電阻 SPI × × × ×
3.5inch RPi LCD (C) 480×320 高速SPI TFT 電阻 SPI × × × ×
4inch RPi LCD (C) 480×320 高速SPI TFT 電阻 SPI × × × ×
7inch DPI LCD 1024×600 DPI IPS 170°
7inch DSI LCD 800×480 DSI TFT 電容 I2C 鋼化玻璃
7inch DSI LCD (with cam) 800×480 DSI TFT 電容 I2C 鋼化玻璃
3.5inch HDMI LCD 480×320 HDMI IPS 160° 電阻 SPI × × 僅顯示
4inch HDMI LCD 480×800 HDMI IPS 170° 電阻 SPI × × × 僅顯示
4inch HDMI LCD (C) 720×720 HDMI IPS 170° 電容 Type-C / I2C 鋼化玻璃
4inch HDMI LCD (H) 480×800 HDMI IPS 170° 電阻 SPI × × 僅顯示
4.3inch HDMI LCD (B) 800×480 HDMI IPS 160° 電容 USB ×
4.3inch DSI LCD 800×480 DSI IPS 160° 電容 I2C 鋼化玻璃 × × × ×
5inch DPI LCD 800×480 DPI IPS 160° × × × × × × ×
5inch HDMI LCD 800×480 HDMI TFT 電阻 SPI × × × ×
5inch HDMI LCD (附外殼) 800×480 HDMI TFT 電阻 SPI × × × ×
5inch HDMI LCD (B) 800×480 HDMI TFT 電阻 USB × × ×
5inch HDMI LCD (B) (附外殼) 800×480 HDMI TFT 電阻 USB × × ×
5inch HDMI LCD (G) 800×480 HDMI/VGA TFT 電阻 USB × ×
5inch HDMI LCD (H) 800×480 HDMI/VGA TFT 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 ×
5.5inch HDMI AMOLED 1080×1920 HDMI AMOLED 170° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 ×
5.5inch HDMI AMOLED (附外殼) 1080×1920 HDMI AMOLED 170° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 × × ×
7inch HDMI LCD 1024×600 HDMI IPS 170° 電阻 SPI × × × 僅顯示
7inch HDMI LCD (B) 800×480 HDMI TFT 電容 USB × × ×
7inch HDMI LCD (B) (附外殼) 800×480 HDMI TFT 電容 USB × × ×
7inch HDMI LCD (C) 1024×600 HDMI IPS 170° 電容 USB × × ×
7inch HDMI LCD (C) (附外殼) 1024×600 HDMI IPS 170° 電容 USB × × ×
7inch HDMI LCD (H) 1024×600 HDMI/VGA IPS 170° 電容 USB ×
7inch HDMI LCD (H) (附外殼) 1024×600 HDMI/VGA IPS 170° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 ×
7inch FHD Monitor 1080×1920 HDMI IPS 170° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
7HP-CAPQLED 1024×600 HDMI IPS(QLED) 170° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
7.9inch HDMI LCD 400×1280 HDMI IPS 170° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 ×
9inch 2560×1600 Monitor 2560×1600 HDMI IPS 178° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
10.1inch HDMI LCD 1024×600 HDMI IPS 170° 電阻 SPI × × × 僅顯示
10.1inch HDMI LCD (B) (附外殼) 1280×800 HDMI IPS 170° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 × × ×
10.1inch HDMI LCD (E) 1024×600 HDMI IPS 170° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 ×
10.1inch HDMI LCD (G) (附外殼) 1920×1200 HDMI IPS 160° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
10.1inch HDMI LCD (H) (附外殼) 1024×600 HDMI/VGA TFT 電容 USB × ×
10.1HP-CAPQLED 1280×720 HDMI IPS(QLED) 170° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
10.5inch HDMI AMOLED 2560×1600 HDMI AMOLED 160° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
11.6inch HDMI LCD (H)(無外殼) 1920×1080 HDMI IPS 178° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 ×
11.6inch HDMI LCD (H) (附外殼) 1920×1080 HDMI/VGA IPS 178° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
12.5inch FHD Monitor 1920×1080 HDMI/Type-C IPS 178° 電容 Type-C / USB 鋼化玻璃
13.3inch HDMI LCD (H)(無外殼) 1920×1080 HDMI IPS 178° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 ×
13.3inch HDMI LCD (H) (附外殼) 1920×1080 HDMI/VGA IPS 178° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
13.3inch HDMI LCD (H) (附外殼) V2 1920×1080 HDMI/VGA IPS 178° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
15.6inch HDMI LCD(無外殼) 1920×1080 HDMI IPS 178° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃 ×
15.6inch HDMI LCD (H) (附外殼) 1920×1080 HDMI/VGA IPS 178° 電容 USB 鋼化玻璃
15.6inch FHD Monitor 1920×1080 HDMI/Type-C IPS 178° 電容 Type-C / USB 鋼化玻璃


  • 優點:售價低
  • 缺點:幀率低,僅適合低解析度,僅支援樹莓派,佔用樹莓派40pin GPIO介面(SPI),樹莓派系统兼容性差


  • 優點:售價低,幀率高,支援多種解析度,樹莓派系統相容性佳
  • 缺點:僅支援樹莓派,佔用樹莓派40pin GPIO介面


  • 優點:售價適中,幀率高,不佔用樹莓派40pin GPIO介面,樹莓派系統相容性佳
  • 缺點:僅支援樹莓派


  • 優點:幀率高,支援多種解析度,支援多種設備,不佔用樹莓派40pin GPIO介面,樹莓派系統相容性佳
  • 缺點:售價較高


型號 類型 顯示顏色 解析度 顯示面積
支援介面 驅動晶片 尺寸
0.91inch OLED Module OLED 白色 128×32 22.38×5.58 I2C SSD1306 36.0×12.5 PH2.0端子
0.95inch RGB OLED (A) OLED 65K彩色 96×64 20.14×13.42 4-wire SPI SSD1331 31.7×37.0 彎排針
0.95inch RGB OLED (B) OLED 65K彩色 96×64 20.14×13.42 4-wire SPI SSD1331 31.7×37.0 直排針
0.96inch LCD Module IPS 65K彩色 160×80 21.70×10.80 4-wire SPI ST7735S 32.5×26.0 PH2.0端子
0.96inch OLED (A) OLED 黄藍雙色塊* 128×64 21.70×11.20 3/4-wire SPI、I2C SSD1306 33.0×33.5 彎排針
0.96inch OLED (B) OLED 黄藍雙色塊* 128×64 21.70×11.20 3/4-wire SPI、I2C SSD1306 33.0×33.5 直排針
1.14inch LCD Module IPS 65K彩色 240×135 24.91×14.86 4–wire SPI ST7789 35.0×32.0 PH2.0端子
1.28inch LCD Module IPS 65K彩色 240×240 Φ32.4mm 4-wire SPI GC9A01 40.4×37.5
1.3inch LCD Module IPS 65K彩色 240×240 23.40×23.40 4-wire SPI ST7789 45.0×31.0 PH2.0端子
1.3inch OLED (A) OLED 藍色 128×64 29.42×14.70 3/4-wire SPI、I2C SH1106 40.5×37.5 彎排針
1.3inch OLED (B) OLED 藍色 128×64 29.42×14.70 3/4-wire SPI、I2C SH1106 40.5×37.5 直排針
1.3inch OLED Module (C) OLED 白色 64×128 14.70×29.42 4-wire SPI、I2C SH1107 30.0×39.5 PH2.0端子
1.47inch LCD Module LCD 262K彩色 172×320 17.39×32.35 4-wire SPI ST7789V3 22.0×38.5 PH2.0端子
1.5inch OLED Module OLED 白色(16灰度) 128×128 26.86×26.86 4-wire SPI、I2C SSD1327 44.5×37.0 PH2.0端子
1.5inch RGB OLED Module OLED 65K彩色 128×128 26.86×26.86 3/4-wire SPI SSD1351 44.5×37.0 PH2.0端子
1.54inch LCD Module IPS 65K彩色 240×240 27.72×27.72 4–wire SPI ST7789 50.0×35.0 PH2.0端子
1.8inch LCD Module TFT 65K彩色 128×160 28.30×34.50 4-wire SPI ST7735S 56.5×34.0 PH2.0端子
2inch LCD Module IPS 262K彩色 240×320 30.60×40.80 4-wire SPI ST7789 58.0×35.0 PH2.0端子
2.4inch LCD Module TFT 65K彩色 240×320 36.72×48.96 4-wire SPI ILI9341 70.5×43.3 PH2.0端子






