Rs-Pi 7 Port USB hub 23×17-1 board plug-in Raspberry Pi
一、 Rs-Pi 7hub 23×17-1 plug in Raspberry Pi with 16 GPIO LED “ON”
二、The SPI 23s17 can control and detect by pi-face software.
三、 our new output test program 23s17-1port-v100.py display all 16 GPIO status
1. U15 SPI 23s17 16 GPIO 23s17 ; 23s17 ; 23s17 ; 23s17 Datasheet
2. U2 – USB 7 Ports HUB chipset
J1 (JP3) USB HUB upper port signal input from Rs-Pi
3. J13 Mini USB 5V input for USB Hub, you don’t need plug 5V , the USB Hub already use 5V from Raspberry Pi (P1 pin2), if your USB device need more power, then you can plug-in 5V in this port.
4. J11 for RS-Pi V2 GPIO connector (got 4 more GPIO pin)
1x Rs-Pi 7 USB HUB & SPI 23s17-1 board
1x USB to MINI USB hub input cable
1x Manual