一、 for Rs-Pi V1 i2c in bus 0
” i2cdetect -y 0 ” for i2c bus scan
i2c Bus Detect Status48 -> TMP102 68 -> RTC DS1307 50 -> 24c32
二、 use eeprog 0.7.6 can read/write for 24c32 or 24cxx
1. U8 RTC DS1307 with CR2032 Battery Datasheet
2. U7 TMP102 Temperature Sensor Datasheet
3. U9 24C32 32Kbit EEPROM JP10 Disable Jumper Datasheet
4. J5 (5V, GND, SCL, SDL) J6(3v3, GND, SCL, SDL) I2C output
5. U2 – USB 7 Ports HUB chipset
J1 (JP3) USB HUB upper port signal input from Rs-Pi
6. J13 Mini USB 5V input for USB Hub, you don’t need plug 5V , the USB Hub already use 5V from Raspberry Pi (P1 pin2), if your USB device need more power, then you can plug-in 5V in this port.
7. J11 for RS-Pi V2 GPIO connector (got 4 more GPIO pin)
8. Adafruit Occidentalis v0.2 image support the TMP102 and RTC DS1307
1x Rs-Pi 7 USB HUB & I2C board
1x USB to MINI USB hub input cable
1x CR2032 3V Battery
1x Manual