樹莓派 2 UART 擴充板(簡易版)
1. Provide extra 2 UART TTL output
TTL output signal –> TX, RX, GND, 3V3, CTS, RTS
2. I2C signal out GND, 5V, SDA, SCL for extend extra UART HAT
3. It provides an individual 3.3V power for UART & output port
4. Provide HAT EEPROM for future driver program update.
5. Pi 3B & Pi Zero W still can use on board Bluetooth BLE & WiFi
6. Provide Serial GUI Control Panel– Control up to 8 Serial Ports
7. Provide command line mode to activate serial ports through terminal/ssh.
1x Rs-Pi 2xUART Lite HAT board
1x Manual