樹莓派多功能自動控制教學擴充板 – V2E01
1. Provide RTC clock with CR1220 3V Backup Battery.
2. Provide 2 switches control 2 sets traffic light (python program available).
3. Provide RFID & NRF24L01 socket ( both use SPI signal)
4. Provide 2 extra I2C devices input port:one for 3.3V, the other one for 5V (with Logic Level converter)
5. Provide 3.3V power regulator for 3.3V device ( RFID/ NRF24L01) I2C device
6. Provide DS18B20 temperature sensor socket (GPIO 4)
7. Provide IR receiver sensor socket (GPIO 23)
8. Provide IR PIR motion sensor socket (GPIO 23)
9. Provide 1 x 5V 28BYJ-48 step motor socket (5V can select from Pi or external)
(GPIO 17,18,27,22) step motor 1,
10. Provide 1 buzzer (GPIO 24)
11. Provide 2 sets traffic light
First set :Red (GPIO 19), Yellow(GPIO 13), Green (GPIO 12) ,Switch 1(GPIO 20)
Second set : Red (GPIO 16), Yellow(GPIO 21), Green (GPIO 26) ,Switch 2(GPIO 6)
Below are the new functions we added in V2
12. 2 x R,Y,G LED display stand set
13. 2 x Servo motor socket
14. HAT EEPROM 24c32 support on board
15. 1 x DHT22 Temperature & Humidity sensor socket
16. HY-SRF05 Ultrasonic distance sensor socket
17. 16×2/20×4 character LCD socket
18. 84×48 Pixels Monochrome LCD socket
Advance user ——– in AT command mode
- ESP8266 Serial WiFi module socket Spec AT command Datasheet AT Example
- Bluetooth 2.0 module socket AT command Datasheet
- Bluetooth 4.0 BLE AT command Datasheet

2. Mini 5V Fan
3. SRF05 UltraSonic sensor
4. DS18B20 Temp Sensor
5. DHT22 Temp & Humidity Sensor
6. RYG LED stand set x2

2. Mini 5V Fan
3. SRF05 UltraSonic sensor
4. RFID Reader Kit
5. NRF24L01 RF module
6. DHT22 Temp & Humidity Sensor
7. ESP8266 Serial WiFi module
8. Bluetooth V2.0 module
9. RYG LED stand set x2
10. DS18B20 Temp Sensor
11. IR receiver sensor

2. 5V Step Motor
3. 5V Mini Fan
4. 16×2 character LCD
5. RFID Reader Kit
6. NRF24L01 RF module
7. SG90 Micro Servo
8. SRF05 UltraSonic sensor
9. RYG LED stand set x2
10. DHT22 Temp & Humidity Sensor
11. DS18B20 Temp
12. IR Receiver sensor
13. ESP8266 Serial WiFi module
14. Bluetooth V2.0 module
15. Bluetooth V4.0 BLE module
Pridopia Pi-Scratch driver software
Demo Python program, EDU-Pack-v2.7z
Minimum Requirements – a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian (wheezy) installed ,
1x Rs-Pi Edu Learning Board(樹莓派多功能自動控制學習擴充板)-V2E01
1x Manual