樹莓派 Raspberry Pi GPIO 排針輸出腳位互動式教學

樹莓派 Raspberry Pi GPIO 排針輸出腳位互動式教學

The comprehensive GPIO Pinout guide for the Raspberry Pi.

This GPIO Pinout is designed to be both a quick and interactive reference to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins, plus a comprehensive guide to your Raspberry Pi’s GPIO interfaces. It also includes dozens of pinouts for Raspberry Pi add-on boards, HATs and pHATs.

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pHAT Stack

Pinout has teamed up with Pimoroni to create a prototype board compatibility tool, check it out here!

Explore HATs & pHATs

We’ve added a board explorer! Use it to find the pinout for a Raspberry Pi add-on board, or discover new ones. If you manufacture boards, we’d love to add yours too. You can contribute over on GitHub.

What do these numbers mean?

  • BCM – Broadcom pin number, commonly called “GPIO”, these are the ones you probably want to use with RPi.GPIO and GPIO Zero
  • WiringPi – Wiring Pi pin number (shown as a tooltip), for Gordon Henderson’s Wiring Pi library
  • Physical – Number corresponding to the pin’s physical location on the header
  • Rev 1 Pi – Alternate BCM numbers for the original, 26-pin model “A” and “B” Pi

Source comes from https://pinout.xyz/#
